Lifting the invisible cloak

I love taking pictures, sharing stories, and enjoy helping people to shine and feel comfortable in the spotlight. However, when it’s about myself, I have always preferred to be behind the camera.
A few days ago a friend said to me that she had not fully realised that @1millionhoursoutdoors is an individual account being run in our spare time. Mainly because the profile looks like a professional account, and the fact that we are not visible.
The style of our account is not a strategic move, but more self-protection. In fact, we do things very much ad hoc and post pictures and quotes of the things we love because we are not a business and we are not making money with this.
We are two people living in different countries who dream that one day we can see each other again. We used to travel and love sunrises and sunsets, meeting people and making plans where to meet next — very much like everyone else in this world these days.
One of us has been diagnosed with a serious illness last December and 2021 will be the toughest year of her life going through therapy to get better. And we know she is not the only one going through a difficult time at the moment.
The other one is trying to be there for her and support her from a distance as much as possible. Cheering her up with pictures of sunrises and sunsets, inspirational quotes, and ideas to motivate each other to go outdoors for our mental health and healing.
Together with her friends we started a whatsapp group which evolved into this initiative to share our support for each other with more people and set ourselves an ambitious goal of 1 million. This is because one of the things that boosts our positivity is setting a target to work on and look forward to.
So here we are. That’s us. That’s a bit more lifting of our invisible cloak for you.
And who are you? Share a bit about yourself, we would love to hear from you.